Plat Aiguille loop

Plat Aiguille loop

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Allow yourself to be guided through fields and forests. Take the time to look around and to turn your excursion into a discovery of the many riches in store along the way.
Take to the heights with this surprising trail that will take you to the small plateau of Aiguille with its panoramic view. On the ascent, you will come across numerous signs providing information about the environment around you. On a winding route you will pass through the remarkable world of the forest and a pastoral landscape of fields.

6 points of interest

  • Geology and geography

    Terres Noires

    Prized by mountain bikers, Terres Noires, or black earth, is formed from rocks which erode easily, which explains the presence of installations put in place by the RTM, the Mountain Land Rehabilitation agency. The flows caused by precipitations shape and sculpt these friable marls. In the Alpine region, numerous examples can be seen, in particular on slopes, which vary in gradient depending on the area, which increases the speed of the water flow. In the Southern Alps, the Terres Noires are formed by Jurassic marls. In the Jurassic period, there was an ocean where the Alps now stand. Today, this black earth covers an area of more than 100,000 hectares in the Durance catchment basin alone. 
  • History

    Mountain Land Rehabilitation

    In order to combat the vagaries of the mountain streams and the resulting erosion, a large number of protection development projects were initiated in the mid-nineteenth century by the RTM (Mountain Land Rehabilitation agency) a service within the French National Forestry Agency. The RTM agency was also responsible for major reforestations campaigns which have reshaped the landscapes of the Southern Alps.

  • Flora

    The forest trees

    Numerous remarkable trees grow in this forest. The public can learn to recognise their botanical features from the information panels. The silver birch, the European larch, the Monterey pine and many others besides will be encountered along this trail. Some specimens stand up to 40 metres tall, like the European larch.
  • Water

    The canal between Les Orres and Baratier

    This canal was once used to irrigate farmland. It starts 8 kilometres upstream of the mountain stream L'Eyssalette, close to the resort of Orres. This canal has been out of use for approximately 30 years. But it is interesting to note that it used to be maintained manually by the local people of Les Orres, Saint-Sauveur and Baratier. This work was carried out in collective maintenance operations.
  • Geology and geography

    Limestone concretions

    These distinctive geological shapes attract curiosity. Here, you can get close to them and admire their distinctive shapes right in the middle of the forest. Their appearance is explained by the accumulation of limestone in the dripping water. This is deposited, petrifying a variety of elements such as mosses and twigs.
  • Panorama

    The Plat d'Aiguille belvedere

    This high vantage point offers views over the whole landscape of the Pays de Serre-Ponçon - a landscape marked by a long history. In one glance, it is possible to appreciate the richness of the cultural and natural heritage of this territory. There are several vegetation zones, each influenced by natural and anthropomorphic (human) factors. The mountains have undergone numerous transformations over time, which explains the laws that govern it today. Such as, for example, the Mountains Act, which introduced a new structural organisation designed to modernise, develop and protect mountain region.


From the car park, cross the bridge to the village square in Baratier.
  1. Take the road leading uphill to the left following the sign "Boucle de Champs Rambaud". As the road rises, follow signs for "Belvédère de Plat Aiguille". At the top of a field, leave the road and take the forest path on the left.
  2. When you come to a paved road, go across the little earth mound and keep going in the same direction. The way rises along the edge of the fields.
  3. Two paths lead off at the next junction; take the uphill path towards the belvedere ("Belvédère"). At the turning, stay on the left and follow the path leading alongside the black marls. When you come to the « plat Aiguille 1,308 m » sign, continue to head towards the belvedere. After a lovely ascent, you will come to the Plat Aiguille belvedere.
  4. Turn right at the top of the small rise and follow the wide bypass. From this point, the way back to the village is entirely downhill. First, follow the Charmaille road, the Jean-Blanc spring and then the village square.
  5. A few hundred metres further on, turn right at the gate and leave the wide bypass. 
  6. After going through the last gate which brings you onto the road, turn right and continue downhill to the village square.
  • Departure : Entrance to the village of Baratier
  • Arrival : Entrance to the village of Baratier
  • Towns crossed : Saint-Sauveur and Baratier

Altimetric profile


There a many timber industry tracks along the route. Be sure to follow the correct waysigns. Take care at the tricky section at "Terre Noire"

Information desks

Tourist office Crots

Place des Ballerins, 05200 Crots
All year long : Monday to Saturday : 9.30 - 12.00
From July 15th to August 15th: Monday to Saturday, 9.30 - 12.00 & 14.00 - 18.00 Tuesday ans thursday
Find out more


Public transport:
Consider car-sharing:

Access and parking

From the roundabout on the N94 main road, at the retail centre, follow signs to Baratier D40. In the village, you can park on the roadside after the information sign.

Parking :

Car park at the information point at the entrance to the village of Baratier

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