Le Fein loop

Le Fein loop

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Starting out from Chorges and passing through a series of hamlets, this loop takes you through changing landscapes, through cultivated fields and forested areas.
The real richness of this trail lies in its landscapes, taking you through extensive farming plateaux and the wilder terrain of forest pathways.  After setting out from Chorges you will be plunged into these differing worlds. As an added bonus, from time to time you will catch glimpses of the Lac de Serre-Ponçon.

4 points of interest

  • Flora


    There are many poplars along the route. It is a very impressive tree, on account both of its height (30 m) and its robustness (it can withstand temperatures down to -25°C). They thrive in damp ground. The poplar has a very important place in French forestry and in the timber industry. It is usually pollarded for firewood.
  • Water

    The marsh

    n the locality known as Les Olliviers, there is a marshy area. Damp habitats like this constitute rich and diverse ecosystems. Most of them developed naturally. Wetlands have long been regarded as unhealthy and hostile environments. The requirement for urban land led to these areas being dried out. Today, wet areas are recognised for their heritage and functional benefits, as they hold remarkable biodiversity. This new awareness has led to their usage being regulated in order to protect them.

  • Water

    View over the Lac de Serre-Ponçon

    From this spot, you can see the Lac de Serre-Ponçon. This is the second biggest artificial lake in Europe. It covers 2,800 hectares and is fed by the Durance and Ubaye mountain rivers. Filled with water in 1960, it offers numerous water-based activities, beaches with amenities and lifeguards and small harbours for pleasure craft. Despite all this, the majority of its shores remain wild with numerous craggy coves which make Serre-Ponçon so charming, as the nearby Baie des Moulettes illustrates. 
  • Water

    Addos mountain stream

    The Addos mountain stream (torrent in French) is 4 kilometres long. A mountain stream is a natural water course located in the mountains. The flow regime is characterised by a steep gradient, with a very fast and therefore turbulent water flow producing significant erosion. It is also defined by a significant variation in flow rate depending on precipitation levels. In this mountain stream, as in many others, numerous small sills (small dams) have been created to slow down the water flow and limit the impact of floods.


From the SNCF railway station, follow signs to « le Fein ». Continue heading towards Le Fein, and take the track on the right. At the next intersection turn right and stay on the track which rises uphill. At the next crossroads, turn left towards Les Chaussins. After a few hundred metres, turn left again towards Le Fein and continue following this direction at the next few intersections.
  1. You come to the hamlet of Les Olliviers, on the E87. From here, continue heading towards Le Fein. When you come to the road, turn left.
  2. After the bridge, take the track running downhill to the left and at the bottom turn right onto the path. Continue straight on until you reach the road. From Le Fein, follow signs for Chorges. When you come to the church, turn left and then right to follow the track.
  3. After a winding section, at the next crossroads go left.
  4. After a long descent to the next intersection, go right. When you come to the road, head towards Chorges. Take the next road on the left, then head towards « le Villard».
  5. As you enter the hamlet, take the path on the left.  Follow this until you come to an intersection, join the track and continue straight ahead. Below the bridge, turn left. Head towards Chorges until you come to the road where you started out. 
  • Departure : SNCF railway station, Chorges
  • Arrival : SNCF railway station, Chorges
  • Towns crossed : Chorges

Altimetric profile

Information desks

Tourist office Chorges

Grand rue, 05230 Chorges


October to may : Monday to Saturday, 9.00 - 12.30 & 13.30 - 17.00.
April, may, june & september : Monday to Saturday, 9.00 - 12.30 & 14.30 - 18.00
July and August : Monday to Saturday, 9:00 – 12.30 & 14.30 – 19.00 Sunday 9.30 – 12.30

Closed on Thursdays outside French holidays’ periods
Closed on French national holidays, except 14th of July and 15th of August

Find out more


Public transport: www.pacamobilite.fr
Consider car-sharing: www.blablacar.fr

Access and parking

As you leave Chorges, coming from Gap, at the first roundabout turn right to park in the SNCF train station car park.

Parking :

The trail starts from the SNCF train station car park. You can also park in the Jules Garcin car park in the town centre.

More information


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