Les Eygoires to Pierre Arnoux

Les Eygoires to Pierre Arnoux

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A world apart is waiting to be discovered in the shadows of the forest. Travel through it to discover the riches it has to offer.
There is a water point at the picnic area of Pierre-Arnoux. The refuge at Pierre Arnoux can be used as a shelter as it is always accessible.


From the car park, take the track opposite which leads into the forest. After a few metres, take the path on the left. At the next intersection, head right towards Pierre Arnoux. At the next intersection, go straight ahead. Turn left onto the forest road ("La route forestière") and a few metres further down, take the path on the right (1). Follow the GRP (regional long-distance trail) route and then at the next intersection take the track on the right. You return to the forest track and turn right. A short distance further up, take the path on the left. Continue through the forest and when you come to the track again, go right and then take the path opposite (there-and-back walk to the spring). When you come to the top of the clearing, you have reached Pierre Arnoux. Make a there-and-back detour to the belvedere by going to the left of the mountain refuge. Back at the refuge, go along the silver birch walk to return to the car park. Then, turn left at the place called « l'Empouyère » (2)
When you come to the spring, take the downhill track on the left (3). At the forested track in the forest of the district of Savines-le-Lac, cross the track and continue straight ahead. Cross the track again and go straight ahead. At the next intersection, when you come to the fitness trail amenities, turn right. (4) Then take the wooden walkway on the left. Go past the water storage facility and the aqueduct. Immediately after this, take the path on the left which follows the water course. When you reach the Savines-le-Lac road, go left. Follow the path that runs along the right-hand side of the road for 1 kilometre, which brings you back to the car park.

  • Departure : Les Eygoires
  • Arrival : Les Eygoires
  • Towns crossed : Savines-le-Lac

Altimetric profile

Information desks

Tourist office Savines-le-Lac

9 Avenue de la Combe d'Or, 05160 Savines-le-Lac


October to march : Monday to Saturday, 9.00 - 12.30 & 13.30 - 17.00. 
April, may, june & september : Monday to Saturday, 9.00 - 12.30 & 14.30 - 18.00
July and August : Monday to Saturday, 9.00 - 13.00 & 15.00 - 19.00. Sundays, 10.00 - 13.00 & 15.00 - 18.00

Closed on French national holidays, except 14th of July, and 15th of August
Closed on Thursdays outside French holidays’ periods

Find out more


Public Public transport: www.pacamobilite.fr
Consider car-sharing: www.blablacar.fr

Access and parking

From the lakeside, go uphill into the forest until you come to a green clearing containing multiple plant species, at the foot of the Morgon. From the Pierre Arnoux refuge, take advantage of the the interpretation circuit and its belvedere. Finally, go back down through the forest of Morgon, where there is an interpretation circuit just outside Savines-le-Lac.

Parking :

Car park just before the Les Eygoires name sign

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