From the Embrun lake to Savines-le-Lac

1. From the Embrun lake to Savines-le-Lac

History and architecture
Lake and glacier
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The day's itinerary is typified by a long ascent marked by short and restorative level stretches, followed by a long bracing descent down to Savines past the Abbey of Boscodon. 
The morning starts gently over level terrain along the river embankments. This warm-up is accompanied by the fresh cool air and rippling sound of the Durance. The sustained climb offers some fine views, in particular from La Cagnolle. The heritage stop-off at Boscodon allows an opportunity to recuperate. The reward: the descent from Les Grands Clots to Savines alternating between fun trails and forest paths.


From the lake at Embrun, cycle to the dam, climb up along the dam path ("Chemin de Digue") and then cross the Durance via the footbridge to reach the opposite bank of the river. After the footbridge, take the path right heading towards Crots.

  1. When you come to the no entry sign, continue left, cross the car park and follow the path to your left. Go past the wetland area of Le Liou.
  2. Before you reach the "Camping Manu", cross the road and continue along the path opposite which follows a small mountain stream. Cross the N94 main road, with care.
  3. 50 metres after the N94, go right, cross the bridge and then turn left just before a private property, heading towards La Cagnolle.
  4. At the four-track intersection at La Cagnolle (viewing point), head straight on downhill on the path until you come to a farm. Follow the road to the left as far as the chapel of Beauvillard.
  5. At the chapel, follow the path running parallel to the right, cross over the road twice, heading towards Boscodon. Stay on the main path until you come to the road.
  6. At the Boscodon bridge, go up the road on the left. After the Charamaillon picnic area, head up the track on the right. At the sheepfold (beware of the dogs) climb up the hairpin path on the left and head towards the Abbey of Boscodon along the road on the right.
  7. At the abbey, go straight ahead along the road heading towards the Pic du Morgon. After the picnic area and shelter, carry straight on, keeping to the main track heading towards Le Grand Clot.
  8. Just before Le Grand-Clôt, after a series of 4 bends, go down the forest trail on the right (take options heading downhill and to the right). At the fork above the Ruine Noire ravine, head left on the trail and then straight ahead along the track.
  9. On the bend at the five-track intersection, take the first right to join the Serre Verger forest road. Head left downhill and after 1 kilometre follow the trail on the right until you come to the N94 main road.
  • Towns crossed : Baratier, Crots, and Savines-le-Lac

Altimetric profile


There are two not-to-be-missed visit breaks: as you enter the wetland area of Le Liou, laid out especialy for discovering the fauna and flora on pathways raised on stilts, and the remarkable Abbey of Boscodon. You can picnic there or make the most of the restaurant. The Aire du Grand Clot (the summit of the ascent) is also a perfect place to take a snack break. 

Information desks

Tourist office Embrun

Place Général Dosse - BP 49, 05202 Embrun

October to march : Monday to Saturday, 9.00 - 12.30 & 13.30 - 17.00. 
April, may, june & september : Monday to Saturday, 9.00 - 12.30 & 14.30 - 18.00
July and August : Monday to Saturday, 9.00 - 19.00. Sundays, 10.00 - 12.30 & 16.00 - 19.00

On French national holidays (except 14th of July and 15th of August) : 9am to 1pm. Closed on the 1st of January, 1st of May, 25th December and 11th November
Closed on Thursdays outside French holidays’ periods

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Parc national des Ecrins

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